
August 2008

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Business Briefs

The Pure Power Brains Trust team

Pure Power forms brain trust



With unwavering mettle, John Rivera of Sustainable Power Corp. intends to introduce a biocrude oil product, called Vertroleum, into the global fuel supply chain. Despite its detractors, the company continues to refine what it refers to as the "Rivera Process" at its Texas demonstration facility. Biomass Magazine traveled there to see how the production process works.

From Problem to Profit

By Jerry W. Kram

The biomass gasifier at Chippewa Valley Ethanol Co. is fuel-flexible by design. Thisrequires a handling system engineered to move feedstocks of varying volumes and densities. Biomass Magazine speaks with Rapat Corp., the engineer of the bulk conveyance system, and equipment vendor Robert White Industries Inc., about the project.

If you were going to create the perfect biofuel, what would you make? When the founders of San Carlos, Calif.-based LS9 asked the question, their answer was quite simple, says Gregory Pal, senior director for corporate development. "You would make petroleum."

Railroad ties are treated with creosote, a hazardous wood preservative that is difficult to remove.

Sprucing Up Wood Waste

By Anna Austin / Photos by Elizabeth Slavens

Wood chips are commonly used as a feedstock in the biomass industry-but what processes must waste wood undergo before it is suitable for use? How is contaminated wood treated to meet standards and obey regulations? Biomass Magazine investigates the old and new processes some companies are using to clean and recycle waste wood.

Four research alliances received grants from the U.S. DOE to optimize thermochemical biofuels production. Biomass Magazine offers an overview of those projects.

The large stainless steel tanks used by American Crystal for producing methane are located on the fifth floor of the building, which prompted the company and its collaborators at the University of Florida to devise a way to convey feedstock verticall

A Sweet Energy Source

By Kris Bevill / Story and Photos

A few years ago, American Crystal Sugar Co. began supplying the University of Florida with sugar beet waste for a research project that, if realized, could change the way the company does business by turning some of its waste into energy. While the project is still in the pilot-plant phase, all signs point toward a successful turnaround from waste product to green energy.

Passenger diesels were a hard sell in the United States more than a generation ago. Even though the diesels of today are not those of yesterday, will the experience be different this time around?

Neptune Industries grows hybrid striped bass for restaurants and retailers. The waste from the fish and uneaten food fertilize the company's algae production system.

From Fish Farm to Fuel

By Jerry W. Kram / Photos By Charlotte Southern

The steep rise in fuel prices is creating opportunities for entrepreneurs to innovate and discover new low-cost feedstocks for biofuels production. Neptune Industries, a Florida company, is looking to collect waste generated byits fish farming operation to fertilize algae production for biodiesel feedstocks.

Dumpsters used to store yellow grease are usually found behind restaurants, often as far away from the back door as possible. Some are concealed behind privacy fences, but many are out in the open to allow the collector easy access to the dumpster. T

Grease: Worth Its Weight in Gold?

By Kris Bevill / Story and Photos

Biodiesel producers aren't the only ones feeling the sting of high feedstock prices. As the cost of biodiesel feedstocks increases, grease thieves have started to take notice. Grease thefts are on the rise across the country.

Sustainability is an all-encompassing, hard-to-define term that is acquiring fuller meaning for the palm oil industry as it prepares to ship the first certified sustainable palm oil to European markets.

Corn oil from distillers dried grains contains a variety of impurities, some of which have settled out and are visible at the bottom of the bottle.

A Synergistic Pairing

By Dave Nilles

Ethanol and biodiesel have more in common than just a geographical footprint. With corn oil, the industries are edging closer to a relationship that could aid both as feedstock prices rise.


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