Tim Portz, executive director of the Pellet Fuels Institute, discusses the organization’s activities over the past year. IMAGE: BBI INTERNATIONAL / ANNA SIMET
August 19, 2024
BY Anna Simet
Japan-based Renova Inc. on Sept. 6 announced startup of its 75-megawatt (MW) Omaezakikou Biomass Power Plant will face additional delays. The facility is now expected to begin operations in March 2025.
More than three dozen members of the U.S. House of Representatives are urging the U.S. Treasury Department to ensure only fuels manufactured from domestically sourced feedstocks qualify for the upcoming 45Z Clean Fuel Production Credit.
The Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Coalition submitted comments in response to requests for stakeholder comments on energy credits and incentives from the Supply Chain Tax Team of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Ways and Means.
The U.S. DOE has awarded Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Phase II funding to six bioenergy projects, including those focused on low-carbon liquid biofuels for aviation, marine and rail transportation.
The U.S. exported 874,596.1 metric tons of wood pellets in July, up from both the 739,277.2 metric tons exported in June and the 651,698.8 metric tons exported in July 2023, according to data released by the USDA on Sept. 4.