Manufacturer of Industrial boilers since 1967; gas, oil, biomass, and hybrid firetube and watertube steam and hot water boilers. Pkgd steam, hot water, multifuel and biomass boilers 6 to 2000 HP, with pressures up to 450 PSI. Custom manufacturer of engineered packaged boilers and systems, biomass systems, integrated PLC boiler controls and accessories. Low NOx modular boilers and burner configurations available for all models. Watertube Boilers: Series O, A, D and Flex with sizes from 10,000 to 150,000 PPH, pressures to 1000 PSIG, with various fuel and auxiliary options available. Modular biomass thermal to electric cogeneration systems are offered from 250 kWe to 15 MWe packages. Worldwide Parts and service distributor/dealer network.
100 Boilermaker Lane
Coolidge, GA 31738